Welcome to the CFUW North Bay Website
Members of CFUW North Bay at the December 13 Christmas Social
Bulletin Board for CFUW Members
Please check out our bulletin board for club news by using the orange links below the title. Also of course please share your news. This could include the work your committee is doing, plans for fundraisers, information about CFUW National and/or Ontario Council meetings, announcements about webinars advertised in Club Action Newsletters, or anything else that used to be in our newsletters or that you think our members should know. If you have news to share, email Caroline Haist (carlilh43@gmail.com).
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)
CFUW North Bay is a member of the Canadian Federation of University Women. CFUW is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with 94 clubs, located in every province across Canada. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women, and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace.
In February 2024 CFUW released a Power Point presentation by CFUW National VP of Membership meant as an overview of CFUW for new members, but of benefit to all members. You can access the slides by pressing/clicking on this link: An Introduction to CFUW.
In January 2024 CFUW national office sent out a press release announcing a new brand and website.
CFUW North Bay
CFUW North Bay holds monthly meetings, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, where we listen to inspiring guest speakers, socialize, and have fun. You can find out what is on our program for 2024-25 by clicking on the Information for Members tab. Socializing also happens in our interest groups. Click on the Interest Groups tab to find information about our book club, bridge group, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner groups. If you scroll down to the slideshow for 2023-24, you will see photos of activities showing both the serious side of our club and the fun we have throughout the year.
By clicking on the Scholarships tab at the top of the page, you can find information about how our club has accomplished one of its main purposes: raising money for scholarships for women to pursue higher education. By clicking on the Community Service tab, you will read how we service the community in other ways.
If you click on the Information for Members tab, you will find our registration form and current membership fee. Membership in our club is open to any woman who aspires to the goals of CFUW. You will also find our current program there listing guest speakers and their topics.
As well as this website, we also have a Facebook page featuring many of our activities and photos and managed for us by Kristen Ferguson, one of our program chairs: www.facebook.com/CFUWNorthBay.
Founded in 1941, our club celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2021. As you explore this website you will find details and photos describing our celebrations of this and other important anniversaries.
If you are not a member of CFUW North Bay and would like to receive more information about our club, send us an email: cfuwnorthbay@gmail.com.
General Meeting September 18
On Wednesday, September 18, members and prospective members will again meet in person at the St. Joseph’s Motherhouse, 2025 Main Street West. Those unable to come in person can join in on Zoom. Members will have a chance register and find out information about the club’s interest groups.
Members are encouraged to arrive at 6:30 p.m. for a social half hour and to enjoy goodies that will be provided by members for the executive. They are also encouraged to bring a friend, perhaps a potential new member.
The guest speaker is Dr. Sandra Reid, whose topic is The Art of Singing. She was born and raised on a tobacco farm in Norfolk County and spent half of her teaching career there directing choirs and bands. She has always loved music and started playing the piano at age five. The last half of her teaching career was teaching music in the Faculty of Education at Nipissing University, researching, and presenting peer-reviewed papers at national and international conferences.
The program with information about guest speakers and special events for the rest of 2024-25 is now available.
Summer Fun Fundraising Event July 24 for Scholarships
Heli, Diane, and Heather, the organizers of this fundraiser (top right), serve “stone” salad. The event raised $1400.
Heather Stemp, our guest speaker (left) spoke about the latest of her three books, Beyond Amelia.
For more photos of this event, scroll down to slideshow below.
Slideshow of Events of 2023-24
Slideshow of 2022-23 Events