Celebrating CFUW North Bay’s Milestones: Part 2
100th Anniversary of CFUW National: 1919 to 2019
2019 began with the celebration of CFUW’s 100th anniversary. The kickoff event in January, complete with the 100th anniversary cake and special guests from the Professional Women’s Newcomers Network (PWNN), began an eventful year.
Celebrations continued with the flag raising of the anniversary flag and the proclamation of April 10 as CFUW Day, the scarfing and photo shoot of Lynn Johnston’s Elly Patterson, the magical evening of music with the Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir and the North Bay Symphony Youth Orchestra, and the Notable Woman Award. Celebrations continued with the June anniversary dinner, the summer social and the presentation of the 100th anniversary scholarship. Melissa Corrente, shown with Brenda Roberson received the $1000 scholarship in December of 2019. Melissa was a Nipissing University Faculty of Education PhD student at the time.
There is more information about the choir and summer social in the fundraising section of this website.
75th Anniversary of CFUW North Bay: 1941 to 2016
CFUW North Bay announced its 75th anniversary in its September 2015 display at the North Bay Public Library.
Celebrations started with a flag raising ceremony at City Hall on January 14, 2016, at which all three levels of government, Mayor Al McDonald, a representative from MPP Vic Fedeli’s office and MP Anthony Rota were represented, as you can see from The Nugget photo below. The flag raising was followed by a reception for members and guests with a special cake and other refreshments at the North Bay Public Library. The photo below on the left shows Bunty Swanson cutting the cake and Elizabeth Price watching.
In October 2016 we continued to celebrate our 75th anniversary by holding a buffet dinner (see photo on the right) and entertainment at the North Bay Golf and Country Club. Many previous members and several guests attended.
Watch the slideshow below for photos of the reception at the North Bay Public Library in January and the dinner at the golf club in October
Ontario North Fall Gathering 2011
CFUW Fall Gatherings are held in September and October in each of the six Ontario regions in alternating years. CFUW North Bay last hosted the Ontario North Fall Gathering in 2011.
70th Anniversary of CFUW North Bay (1941-2011)
If anyone in the club has photos of this event she is willing to share, please email Caroline Haist at carlilh43@gmail.com.
60th Anniversary of CFUW North Bay (1941-2001)
Nipissing University Professor Diana Walton was the guest speaker at the dinner celebrating CFUW North Bay’s 60th anniversary. It was held at the Legion and was attended by 150 people at a time our club had 60 members. For entertainment the club put on a “retrospective fashion show.”
If anyone in the club has photos of this event she is willing to share, please email Caroline Haist at carlilh43@gmail.com.
50th Anniversary of CFUW North Bay (1941-1991)
We celebrated this anniversary with a dinner at Pinewood Park.
Once again if you can help with details of the celebration and/or photos, please get in touch with Caroline Haist (carlilh43@gmail.com).
40th Anniversary of CFUW North Bay: 1941 to 2081
The photo of a hat parade to celebrate our 40th anniversary appeared in our fall 2022 North Bay Museum display. Current members Heather Chambers, Christine Tworo, and Sheila Taylor helped to identify these members.
Front row Jeannine Letcher, Gail Thomsen, Carol Browzowski, Sheila Taylor, and Doris Toswell.
The second photo was probably taken at the same event. Sheila Taylor and Heather Chambers were again able to identify most of these members. Back row left to right: Marion Wales, Sheila Taylor, Mary Hutchison, Heather Chambers, Bea King, Beth Sherman, Vera Watt. Front row left to right: Doris Toswell. Pearl ? Lynne (from Temiskaming), Pat Doney, Martha Kennedy, Helen Sommerville. Heather thinks this photo would have taken place in 1980 or 81, which would have been the 40th anniversary of CFUW North Bay.
if you disagree or can identify anyone in the back row of the first photo, please inform Caroline Haist (carlilh43@gmail.com).