CFUW and Its Publications
As a member of CFUW North Bay, you are encouraged to sign up to receive CFUW publications, including Club Action Newsletters, which are published by our national organization once a month and sent directly to members by email. These newsletters are full of information that will be of interest to many of our club’s members. To receive them, go to and scroll down until you come to “Stay informed with our Newsletter” and click on Sign Up Today.
CFUW as a national organization is a member of the Graduate Women International (GWI). Although many CFUW clubs continue to support Graduate Women International through their dues, CFUW North Bay no longer provides financial support to GWI.
As well as a national organization we have a provincial one: Ontario Council. It too has a newsletter in which you will find information on Ontario Council Speakers Series and news about other Ontario clubs. To receive OC newsletters by email, go to and click on the OC News tab at the top of the page. There you can access past issues of OC News and sign up to receive your own copy every month.