CFUW North Bay Executive Positions and Descriptions (Revised January 2022)

Position Title/Description:President(s)

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

Local Club Duties

    •    Become knowledgeable of the club's constitution and by-laws, CFUW Constitution by accessing the President's Manual, Advocacy Process and Manuals, CFUW Policy Book, CFUW Policies e.g. Privacy/Confidentiality, Respectful Treatment(available on the CFUW North Bay website).

    •    Preside at executive and general meetings. Ensure necessary information is passed to anyone who was absent from an executive meeting.

    •    Prepare an agenda and email agenda and previous minutes to members prior to the meeting

    •    Collect and read mail regularly. Deal with all correspondence promptly and keep executive and members informed and up to date. Undertake or oversee any action or correspondence generated by the regular meetings.

    •    Keep up to date with the responsibilities of the executive and of all committees and monitor that these responsibilities are being carried out.

    •    Assist in the preparation of newsletter items by writing president's message and ensure that any other CFUW and club news items are highlighted when necessary.

    •    Be aware of the activities of the Issues/Advocacy Committee, their committee meetings and issues to be discussed/ or arrangements to meet with local officials.

    •    In consultation with executive and members, prepare a strategic plan that will be placed on the website for the club including membership recruitment annually.

    •    Review any policy relating to advocacy to be sure that statements made are in accord with CFUW policy.

    •    In June each year, meet with the current and incoming executive members to identify roles and responsibilities and ensure that the incoming executive members receive all of the necessary training and manuals for their positions.Provide each new executive member with a folder with the club's constitution and by-laws, position description, list of executive members and contact information, list of dates and locations for executive and general meetings.

    •    Mentor and advise executive members as needed.

    •    Coordinate with the treasurer annually to have signing privileges updated on the CFUW bank accounts

    •    Be a member of the budget committee. Ensure that all required committee and executive member budgets are submitted to the treasurer by the end of February each year.

    •    Be a member of other committees as required (e.g. scholarship, program).

    •    At general meetings hang banner.

Provincial and National Duties

    •    Become knowledgeable of the CFUW Constitution, CFUW Policy Book, CFUW Policies e.g. Privacy/Confidentiality, Respectful Treatment

    •    Assist CFUW National Office by meeting requests; refer to CFUW directory for list of CFUW deadlines, which contains important dates, for example, the submission dates for the club Information forms, payment of club dues and resolutions.

    •    Be aware of the activities of the Issues/Advocacy Committee, and be aware that this committee will forward copies of letters with the club president’s signature to National President, Ontario Council President, Regional Director, National Office and any other provincial and national chair where applicable..

    •    Inform National Office, National President, OC President and the CFUW Director of Communication/ Chair of Membership Services of any special events, club anniversaries, special member achievements, etc, for recognition to be made.

    •    Attend regional, provincial and national meetings (where possible) Fall Gatherings, OC AGMs, OC Standing Committee Meetings, and National AGMs.

    •    At the beginning of the term of office in June, update the new executive information on the CFUW National and Ontario Council sites.

Position Title/Description: Vice-President

EssentialDuties and Responsibilities:

    •    Attend all executive and general meetings.

    •    Assist the president in carrying out the administration of the club and in furthering its policies and programs.

    •    Perform all the duties pertaining to the office of president in the absence of the president.In case of a vacancy in the office of president, the executive committee may appoint the vice-president to the office until the next annual general meeting.

    •    Chair the scholarship committee. The committee needs to meet after the May AGM to see if there is extra money in the account to give additional scholarships.

    •    Co-ordinate the convenors of the interest groups for the September meeting.

  •    Chair the Nominating Committee annually.

    •    Be aware of the club constitution and by-laws that govern the club and CFUW policies.

Position title/Description: Past President

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

    •    Attend all executive and general meetings.

    •    Ensure continuity during governance change and transition.

    •    Support the president in her role.

    •    Mentor and advise members of the executive as needed.

    •    Provide historical context on club issues.

    •    Be a member of the scholarship committee.

    •    Assist with the transition meeting with the incoming and outgoing executive

    •    Be familiar with the North Bay constitution and bylaws that govern the club.

Position Title/Description: Secretary

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Attend all executive and general meetings.

    •    Designate another member as the alternate should the secretary be unable to attend either the general meeting or the executive meeting.

    •    Be responsible for the recording and preservation of the minutes.The minutes are to include date, time and place of the meeting; attendees of the meeting (executive only); all motions made, including name of mover and seconder; results of votes; copies of reports submitted (i.e. treasurer's report); a brief summary of discussions; any commitments made by members of the club; and the time of adjournment.Minutes should be concise.

    •    May request that executive members making reports at the meeting have a written summary to present or inclusion of any formal attachments.

    •    Email executive minutes to the president for reading for errors/omissions, amend as necessary and file upon approval by executive. Follow the same procedure for the general meeting minutes.The president then sends them out by email.

    •    Keep all minutes as official recordings of the club in a binder.

    •    Ensure that a motion book that records all motions made at both the executive and general meeting is kept up to date.

    •    As a member of the executive, be familiar with the constitution and by-laws that govern the club.

Position Title/Description: Treasurer

Essential Duties and Responsibilities      

    •    Attend all executive and general meetings.

    •    As a member of the executive, be familiar with the club's constitution and by-laws.

    •    Reconcile club bank accounts at the end of each month.

    •    Report on income and expenditures at each executive and general meeting. Bring a copy of treasurer's report to each meeting ensuring that the recording secretary has a copy for club files.

    •    Make routine disbursements by authority of the executive. Extraordinary disbursements must be authorized by the general membership.

    •    Co-sign cheques with president or alternate signing authority.

    •    Issue receipts as members join for their membership dues.

    •    Chair the budget committee. Prepare the annual budget with this committee and present to the executive.

    •    At the AGM in May, present the new budget to the general membership.

    •    Arrange for a review of the books and the financial statements at the end of the fiscal year April 30.

    •    For memorial donations made directly to the club, arrange for a card to be sent to the deceased's family indicating the name and address of the donor.

    •    Be on the scholarship committee.

    •    Be a trustee of the charitable trust agreement(s).

    •    Issue receipts for all donations for the two trust scholarship funds.Receipts must follow CRA format requirements. Receipts should be issued in a timely fashion. Donations made January I to May 31 should be mailed by June 15; donations made June 15 to December 3l should be mailed no later than the last day of February the following year. Receipts are private and should be delivered personally or mailed by the treasurer.

    •    Be responsible for filing the charitable trust return from CRA each year by November 30. A statement of the Scholarship Fund's receipts and disbursements must accompany this report.



    •    Club books are closed April 30. The president, vice-president and current treasurer review the books in early May. The new treasurer is responsible for the May month-end reconciliation and reports.

    •    Arrange to go into the club's bank to update signing authority on both bank accounts.

    •    Update information at funeral homes to facilitate future memorial donations.


    •    CRA report forms for Charitable Trust Scholarship will arrive in July to the address of the former Treasurer. Forms must be filed by November 30.

    •    Ensure the Treasurer has enough receipts for the September general meeting.


    •    Deposit membership fees and scholarship donations and issue appropriate receipts. Reconcile deposits to membership records.

    •    Prepare scholarship cheques for Nipissing University and Canadore College.


    •    Auction: If an auction takes place, deposit proceeds in the general account. Transfer an amount to the scholarship account (8980 317) as directed by the club motion.

    •    Charitable Trust dinner: Pay for speaker's dinner, collect donation cheques made out to CFUW Charitable Trust (directed to the Ecole Polytechnique Award).  Mail cheques with a covering letter to the treasurer of the Charitable Trust Fund.


    •    Forward/Pay Ontario Council fees and liability insurance.

    •    Prepare scholarship cheque for secondary school recipient.

    •    Forward/Pay CFUW fees


    •    Organize and chair a budget committee to prepare the next year’s budget.

    •    Close club books for fiscal year April 30.


    •    Review financial records with President and Vice President in early May.

    •    Prepare Annual Report for Club AGM.

    •    Close Scholarship Fund books May 31.

Position Title/Description:Membership Chair

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    As member of the executive, be familiar with the club constitution and by-laws that govern the club.

    •    Maintain the membership binder and update registration form annually and keep blank copies to distribute to new members (hard copy and electronic).

    •    Maintain electronic registration forms for each member and ensure annually that all information is current with members.

    •    Forward any information changes to President, Secretary and Newsletter Convenor

    •    Attend all executive and general meetings.Prepare name tags and membership cards for new members and have them available at each general meeting.

    •    Ensure members are on the telephone grid to be contacted by callers.

    •    Ensure the roster is updated as needed.

    •    Access CFUW National website by January 31 every year to input number of paid club members. Follow instruction in the membership manual.

    •    Ensure that the tracking record of the members from initial registration to the present is updated annually on the electronic document created specifically for this purpose. Use this information to annually identify members who would receive national certificates to celebrate their years of membership. Notify the president of any award winners.

    •    Order the recognition certificates from CFUW National office by May 1 so they may be presented at the June general meeting. Follow instruction in the membership manual binder.

    •    At the same time as ordering recognition certificates, order enough membership cards for the following year.

    •    Send an email to recipients of certificates inviting them to the June meeting.

    •    Advertise CFUW through publicity convenor, posters, letters, and other strategic planning opportunities.

    •    With the assistance of the executive, host a meeting to welcome new members.

    •    Prepare a budget and submit it to the budget committee in April. Adhere to budget throughout the fiscal year. Submit bills to the treasurer in a timely manner.

    •    Notify all members if any additional new member(s) are added after the roster has been published.



    •    Prepare a membership report for the September newsletter, listing the fees, etc.These are set at the May meeting.

    •    Create the updated registration form and have enough copies printed for use by new members.

    •    Ensure annually that all members’ information is current by sending an electronic copy of the previous year's registration to all members.

    •    Publicize the deadline for dues (October 31) so that the printed membership list (roster) can be prepared by December.


    •    Arrive early for the meetings.

    •    Have CFUW membership cards signed and ready.

    •    Issue receipts as members join.

    •    Ensure that registration forms are available for all members to verify current information.

    •    Inquire about further degrees or changes in information.

    •    Update information as needed. Include e-mail addresses.


    •    Membership fees are paid by October 31. After this date, names should not be going into the printed roster so that the roster can be created,

    •    Keep a list of members and fees paid.

    •    Have name tags made for all new members (no charge) by The Engraving Shop on Janice Street, which has the template. Request magnetic clips. Members who require a new name tag may pay for a new name tag as well. Submit receipts to the treasurer to be reimbursed.


    •    Prepare roster and send electronically to all members.


    •    Distribute rosters at interest groups and general meetings for those members without internet.


    •    Mail rosters, brochures, and receipts to members if they have not been distributed by the December meeting. CFUW North Bay pays for postage and stationery.

    •    Members joining after the membership fees have been sent to Ontario Council and CFUW National pay the same amount for membership. The registration and fee will be kept and submitted the following year giving the new member an extended membership.

    •    Book North Bay Public Library showcase for September of the following year if president has not already done so.


    •    Prepare the annual membership report for inclusion in the club's annual report in May.


    •    Order recognition certificates from CFUW National.


    •    Send an email to recipients of certificates inviting them to the June meeting.

Position Title/Description: Program Chair

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Attend executive and general meetings.

    •    Meet with the program committee (chair, vice-president, at least one other member) to plan the program for each month from September to June.

    •    Collect program suggestions given by members.

    •    Work with membership chair to create the program brochure.

    •    Communicate all pertinent information to the speaker (date, times, length, location, AV, etc.)

    •    Arrange for introduction and thank you speeches, thank-you card and donation or gift.

    •    Report on the program scheduled for the next month at the executive meeting.

    •    Prepare a program report for the club's annual report at theMay AGM.

    •    Prepare a budget and submit it to the budget committee for consideration in April. Adhere to the budget during the year. Submit bills to the treasurer in a timely manner.

    •    May be a member of the budget committee.

    •    As a member of the executive, be familiar with the club's constitution and by-laws that govern the club.

Position Title/Description: Issues and Advocacy Chair

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Attend executive and general meetings. Report to club president.

    •    Encourage members to participate on the Issues/Advocacy Committee.

    •    Arrange regular meetings on issues of concern with the members of the committee.

    •    Follow advocacy process as outlined in CFUW manuals: CFUW Advocacy Toolkit, Advocacy Primer (Ontario Council), Act on It Locally (Ontario Council), CFUW Policy Book, and Ontario Council Policies

    •    Be familiar with CFUW Local Issues of Concern, CFUW National Issues of Concern, Ontario Council Issues of Concern, GWI Issues

    •    Arrange meetings with the local officials M.P., M.P.P., mayor, etc., to present concerns and make inquiries and inform the president of the time and date of these meetings.

    •    Send copies of letters to the club president (for signature), and forward letters to national president, OC president, regional director, national office and any other chair of the provincial or national position whose role would be supportive of that concern as needed.

    •    Be knowledgeable about the resolution process.

    •    Study with committee members and become informed on proposed CFUW National resolutions to present to the general membership at the March resolutions meeting. The proposed resolutions are discussed and then voted on by a quorum for acceptance or rejection in order to provide direction for the voting delegate at the CFUW National AGM in the summer. A vote is taken to allow the voting delegate to vote at her discretion.

    •    Chair and committee members are encouraged to participate in policy making through the writing of a resolution.

    •    Prepare a budget and submit it to the budget committee for consideration in April. Adhere to the budget throughout the fiscal year. Submit all bills to the treasurer in a timely manner.

    •    As a member of the executive committee be familiar with CFUW North Bay constitution and by-laws that govern the club.

Position Title/Description:  Archivist 

Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 

As the club needs to decide which method our archives are going to be used for storage in the future, the job description listed below will be further amended once the entire membership has decided the direction of this position. Currently, all of the material is saved in annual books and stored in bins which have been stored at the North Bay Library.

Idea #1:

Monthly save to a portable drive a copy of the newsletter and add it to any photos of events which occurred during the month. Annually this material could be printed off as a printed record of the year's events along with annual reports.(Once we know how difficult and expensive this would be, the executive would need to decide whether it is worthwhile to have a printed record of our year).

Idea #2:

Monthly save to a portable drive a copy of the newsletter and add it to any photos of events which occurred during the month. This material would then be saved digitally for use in future years

The second part of the work of the archives committee is to complete the review and purging of the information previously stored in the bins at the NB library. This material would then need to be accurately renumbered.

Position Title/Description: Chair of Social Committee

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Be available to discuss non-regular meeting requests with executive.

    •    Organize and set up refreshments for CFUW special events based on input and discussion regarding occasion, location, and accommodations.

    •    Be responsible for health and safety protocols, the use and maintenance of loaned/rented food facilities and accommodations for meetings.

    •    Prepare and execute member volunteer food sign-up list for special occasion meetings or events requested by the executive.

    •    Upon executive request, purchase and bring to meetings/events necessary foods and supplies based on available budget.

    •    Base budget on results of open discussion and requests agreed upon per function.

Position Title/Description: CFUW Liaison

EssentialDuties and Responsibilities:

    •    Attend executive and general meetings.

    •    Highlight at meetings and/or through the monthly club newsletter, any upcoming issues arising that may require members' input or action

    •    Be the club's representative and contact for all incoming business connected with CFUW Ontario Council and CFUW National.

    •    As a member of the executive, be familiar with the club constitution and by-laws that govern the club.

    •    May hold an additional office.

Position Title/Description: Communications (A Volunteer But Not Executive Position)

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Prepare and send out club newsletters electronically monthly from September to June.

    •    Update club website to keep it current. Post club information pertaining to membership, program, activities, events (club and community), and photos.

    •    Include links for members to access Ontario Council and CFUW National.

    •    Keep on file names of those members who do not wish to have their names and photos used online. (This information is gathered annually on the member's registration form and is available from the membership convenor).


Position Title/Description: Publicity (A Volunteer But Not Executive Position)

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

    •    Each month, notify media about upcoming CFUW North Bay meetings and special events. Send emails for notice of meetings two weeks ahead of scheduled events to local radio stations, cable television, The Nugget, and Community Voices. Notices include time, meeting location, topic, and guest speakers. The CFUW website is also included. It is a vital resource for information on upcoming meetings and events.

    •    Include an invitation to guests and anyone interested in finding out more about CFUW North Bay.

    •    Assist the other committees with publicity for their events as requested.

    •    Media: The Nugget(

     YourTV PSA: go to “Post Community Event”

    •    Local Radio Stations:

       CKAT, The Fox, Easy Rock,CBC Radio Sudbury

Position Title/Description: Club Promotion/Marketing (A Volunteer But Not Executive Position)

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    •    Be familiar with the local media contacts and networks.

    •    Attend other community events to raise the club’s profile and encourage other club members to do likewise.

    •    Promote partnerships in the community in consultation with the executive.

    •    Submit articles to the local media and CFUW publications after ensuring that written permission to use names and photos is obtained and article has been approved by the president.