Interest Groups: January Events
Lunch Bunch: Lunch at The Urban Café on Tuesday, January 7, at 11:45 a.m. Please note that the convenor is now Marianne Rogers (
Wake-up Call: January 10.
Book Club: Discussion on Zoom of The Porcelain Moon by Janie Chang on Tuesday, January 28, at 7:00 p.m.
Dinner Group: Dinner at The Station on Thursday, January 30, is cancelled.
Sunrise Breakfast: Breakfast on Friday, January 31, at 9:00 a.m. at a new location: The Fifty’s (that is the way they spell it) Diner on Trout Lake Road near Freshco.
Even if you are not currently a member of an interest group, you are welcome to join at any time. Just email the convenor listed for each interest group entry under the Interest Groups tab. For the lunch, dinner, and breakfast groups let the convenor know a few days in advance so that she can adjust the reservation. If the meeting is on Zoom and you are not on the group list, just email the convenor so she can send you the Zoom link.