Lunch Bunch - Marianne Rogers, Convenor (

Formerly called Gourmet Lunch when members enjoyed lunches in members’ homes, the group decided unanimously at the October planning meeting in 2023 to eat out instead of cooking. So the group, which changed its name to the Lunch Bunch, now meets on the first Tuesday of the month at a time to be determined each month and dependent on the restaurant chosen.

Once you have joined the group you will receive emails from the convenor, giving you the name of the restaurant and the time for the lunch. You can check out the current month’s restaurant and time by using the link on the front page of the website under the Bulletin Board heading.

The first photo is of the group lunching at The Urban Café on December 3, 2024. The next two photos are of the group, also at the Urban Café, on October 1, 2024.