Slideshow of 2022-23 Events

September: North Bay Public Library Display

September Display at North Bay Public Library

Catherine Whiting and Kaarina Tulisalo

Catherine Whiting and Kaarina Tulisalo

Venue for September 20 Media 

Launch for Dr. Diana Walton 


dr. Diana Walton Media Launch

Bonnie Roynon, Nipissing President Dr .Walmsy, Mr. Bill Walton, and Nipissing Representatives

CFUW North Bay Members 

Bill Walton with Co-president Nat Brunette

Mr. Bill Walton

Co-President Bonnie Roynon

Co-president Bonnie Roynon , Recipient of a CFUW North Bay Scholarship and Nipissing Alumna


September 21 Meeting: Donna Spencer Registers with Sue Fisher, Membership Chair and Treasurer 

Members at Motherhouse for September Meeting 

Marg Mullen Joins on Zoom 

Guest Speaker Elysha Carriere from My Village Doula Collective

Nat Brunette Thanks Members of My Village Doula Collective 

Co-president Nat Brunette with Special Project Award Certificate for Museum Display

September 30: Sunrise Breakfast 

October 4: Lunch Bunch at Average Joe’s 

October 14: Wake-up Call 

October 19: Kristen Ferguson Introduces 

Guest Speaker Dr. Natalya Brown 


Guest Speaker Dr. Natalya Brown 

Janet Poudrier Thanking Dr. Natalya Brown 

October 25: 

Book Club

November 16: Susan Fisher, Guest Speaker 

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Hybrid Meeting: Members in Motherhouse 

Members on Zoom

November 24: Making Seasonal Urns at Burrows 

Kaarina Tulisalo with Her Urn 

December 6: Charitable Trust Walk at City Hall

December 14: Fun Night on Zoom 

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January 11: Walk with Members to Introduce New Member to Club

January 18: Speaker  Janet                                                          Calcaterra (first row, second from right) speaks about                                                              her novel, The Burden of Memories

January 25: 

Book Club

January 27: Sunrise Breakfast

February 7: Lunch Bunch at Average Joe’s

February 15 Speaker Dr. Kurt Claussen 

March 7: Much Bunch celebrates Mary Catherine O’Hagan’s 80th.

March 9: Kaarina Tulisalo with CFUW Display at NUSU Fundraiser for CFUW North Bay and Amelia Rising

Co-president Nat Brunette with Catherine Whiting

Nat Brunette with Winner of First Dr. Diana Walton Scholarship Kennedy Bond

March 23: Co-presidents Nat Brunette and Bonnie Roynon with Kennedy Bond, Winner of First Dr. Diana Walton Scholarship

March 31: Sunrise Breakfast at Home Style Cafe

April 4: Supporters of Cool Cats, CFUW’s Team for The Coldest Night of the Year.

April 19: Lunch and Learn (on Zoom)

Panel: Women Running for Electoral Office

Tanya Vrebosch. One of Three Panelists

May 2: Lunch Bunch at Average Joe’s

June 14: Heritage Gardeners

June 21: Year-end Social and Pot Luck Dinner at Home of Heli Vail

July 26: Scholarship Fundraiser

Downtown Walk and Waterfront Teddy Bears Picnic

Members of the Scholarship Committee, who Planned Event and Prepared Food: Diane Wallace, Heather Chambers Heli Vail, and Terry Blair